The Process Development team will develop the process for how we will engage in data gathering and validation in collaboration with our consultants specific to programs and portfolios.
- Jeff Adams, Senior Associate Vice Provost and Senior Associate Dean, Undergraduate Education
- Mary Shenk, Graduate Council Chair-Elect, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Demography, and Asian Studies
- Everton Tavares Guimaraes, Assistant Professor, Engineering Division, Penn State Great Valley
- Theresa Marie Lee, Lecturer in Psychology, Penn State Fayette
- David Vanness, Professor of Health Policy and Administration, College of Health and Human Development
- Eric Hudson, Associate Professor of Physics, Eberly College of Science
- Abdullah Thaar Alsubarie, Doctoral Candidate in Workforce Education, College of Education
- Ivan Esparragoza, Assistant Dean for Curricular Innovation and Program Assessment, College of Engineering
- Clarabelle Lin, Executive Director of Online Education Strategy and Business Development, Penn State World Campus
- Renee Borromeo, Teaching Professor, Health and Human Development, Penn State Mont Alto
- Peter Moran, Associate Dean of Policy and Planning, Instructor in Law and Higher Education, Penn State Altoona
- Karen Sofranko, Director of Academic Services and Retention, Penn State Hazelton
- Greg Filbeck, Vice Chancellor and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Penn State Behrend
- Eric Paul Burkhart, Teaching Professor in Forest Ecosystem Management, College of Agricultural Sciences
- Faye Chadwell, Dean, University Libraries and Scholarly Communications, Penn State University Libraries
- Allan Larson, Interim Director, Academic Affairs and Associate Professor, Communications, Penn State New Kensington
- Michele Ramsey, Associate Professor, Communication Art and Sciences and Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies, Penn State Berks
Team Charge:
- Develop the process for how we will engage in data gathering and validation in collaboration with our consultants specific to programs and portfolio
- Create a decision-making process map that leads to the identification of program/portfolio strengths, shortcomings, opportunities and recommendations for academic leaders
- Create a process for academic leaders to respond to the APPR recommendations
- Create a continuous review process for programs and portfolios.