Process Development Team


The Process Development team will develop the process for how we will engage in data gathering and validation in collaboration with our consultants specific to programs and portfolios.



  • Jeff Adams, Senior Associate Vice Provost and Senior Associate Dean, Undergraduate Education
  • Mary Shenk, Graduate Council Chair-Elect, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Demography, and Asian Studies


  • Everton Tavares Guimaraes, Assistant Professor, Engineering Division, Penn State Great Valley
  • Theresa Marie Lee, Lecturer in Psychology, Penn State Fayette
  • David Vanness, Professor of Health Policy and Administration, College of Health and Human Development
  • Eric Hudson, Associate Professor of Physics, Eberly College of Science
  • Abdullah Thaar Alsubarie, Doctoral Candidate in Workforce Education, College of Education
  • Ivan Esparragoza, Assistant Dean for Curricular Innovation and Program Assessment, College of Engineering
  • Clarabelle Lin, Executive Director of Online Education Strategy and Business Development, Penn State World Campus
  • Renee Borromeo, Teaching Professor, Health and Human Development, Penn State Mont Alto
  • Peter Moran, Associate Dean of Policy and Planning, Instructor in Law and Higher Education, Penn State Altoona
  • Karen Sofranko, Director of Academic Services and Retention, Penn State Hazelton
  • Greg Filbeck, Vice Chancellor and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Penn State Behrend
  • Eric Paul Burkhart, Teaching Professor in Forest Ecosystem Management, College of Agricultural Sciences
  • Faye Chadwell, Dean, University Libraries and Scholarly Communications, Penn State University Libraries
  • Allan Larson, Interim Director, Academic Affairs and Associate Professor, Communications, Penn State New Kensington
  • Michele Ramsey, Associate Professor, Communication Art and Sciences and Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies, Penn State Berks

Team Charge:

  • Develop the process for how we will engage in data gathering and validation in collaboration with our consultants specific to programs and portfolio
  • Create a decision-making process map that leads to the identification of program/portfolio strengths, shortcomings, opportunities and recommendations for academic leaders
  • Create a process for academic leaders to respond to the APPR recommendations
  • Create a continuous review process for programs and portfolios.