APPR Work Teams, Representatives, and Structures

APPR Work Teams, Representatives, and Structures


Systematic Analysis Tool Development Team

Develop the tools used to systematically assess and analyze data gathered by consultant.


  • Jonna Belanger, College of Health and Human Development; Faculty Senate Committee Curricular Affairs
  • Maggie Slattery, Assistant Dean for General Education; Undergraduate Education

Team Members

Team Charge:

  • Develop systematic tools to collect and analyze metrics to inform evaluation of programs. These metrics will not be assessing academic quality of programs or academic credibility of programs, as this is already established in the current curriculum processes.
  • Share tools with our consultant to begin collaboration with their work.
  • Work closely with the Process Development Team and Data and Information teams to increase coherence.

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RFP Selection Team

Will review the proposals from potential consultants and make recommendations to the Steering Committee


  • Liz Wright, Regional Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer
  • Karen Paulson, Coordinator of Online Programs & Teaching Professor of Education (HIED); Education Policies Studies Department

Team Members

Team Charge:

  • Responsible for reviewing the submissions from 5-8 external consultants and narrowing it down to 3 for interviews
  • Develop the scorecard for down selection and interview process
  • Engage Senate Council in the interview process

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Process Development Team

Develop the process for how we will engage in data gathering and validation in collaboration with our consultants specific to programs and portfolios.


  • Jeff Adams, Senior Associate Vice Provost and Senior Associate Dean, Undergraduate Education
  • Mary Shenk, Graduate Council Chair-Elect, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Demography, and Asian Studies

Team Members

Team Charge:

  • Develop the process for how we will engage in data gathering and validation in collaboration with our consultants specific to programs and portfolio
  • Create a decision-making process map that leads to the identification of program/portfolio strengths, shortcomings, opportunities and recommendations for academic leaders
  • Create a process for academic leaders to respond to the APPR recommendations
  • Create a continuous review process for programs and portfolios

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icon graphic showing visual representation of chart on a blue background

Data and Information Team

Develop oversight for how we collect and work with data.


  • Rick Brazier, Dean of University College
  • Bill Clark, Associate Dean of the Graduate School

Team Members

Team Charge:

  • Provide oversight on how data is collected, delivered to and from OPAIR, the consultant, and various committees
  • Collaborate with the Systematic Analysis Tool Development Team to determine Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to be used in the portfolio and program reviews
  • Consultant Engagement
  • Academic Analytics

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Communications and Engagement Team

Will work to engage Penn State community in APPR processes and provide timely updates on APPR progress


  • Kerry Newman, Director of Strategic Communications, Undergraduate Education and Faculty Affairs
  • Juliet Pinto, Associate Professor of Journalism, Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications

Team Members

Team Charge:

  • Responsible for working with co-leads and University communication partners to strategize and execute plans to communicate APPR project updates.
  • Responsible for strategizing ways to engage the University community about APPR project.
  • Responsible for co-planning content for website, newsletter, emails, stories, and other marketing communications channels, as needed.

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APPR Steering Team

Responsible for monitoring the outcomes and guiding principles of the overall process, provides valuable input and representation of the Penn State Community


Project Support Team

Work closely with the consultant to ensure they are getting the support, data, and information they need to do their scope of work.


Workstream Team

Team Members

  • Lance Kennedy-Phillips, Vice Provost for Planning, Assessment, and Institutional Research
  • Karen Paulson, Coordinator of Online Programs and Teaching Professor of Education (HIED)
  • Booker Stephen Carpenter, Dean of the College of Arts and Archetecture
  • Todd Camp, Business Administrator, Penn State Harrisburg
  • Josh Wede, Professor of Psychology, University Park
  • David Vanness, Professor of Health Policy and Administration, University Park
  • Rob Mathers, Distinguished Professor, Penn State New Kensington
  • Lauren Altenburger, Associate Professor, Penn State Shenango
  • Liz Wright, Regional Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer
  • Renata Engel, Vice Provost for Online Education, World Campus
  • Daniel Jackson, Associate Professor of Physics, Penn State Lehigh Valley

Team Charge

  • Responsible for working with the project tri-leads to brainstorm and identify workstream projects for consultant to execute.