APPR Workstream Report 2

Workstream #2 Report—Pennsylvania Workforce Development Assessment

This second APPR report is based on two data sources: JobsEQ data, a proprietary job landscape assessment and forecasting tool, as well as Pennsylvania state Labor Department projections. The goal of the report is to analyze current and future industry and employment trends, including identified occupational gaps.

The data compiled from this report is meant to serve as a resource for further discussion and analysis, in combination with other future APPR reports, and not as a stand-alone decision-making tool. The categorizations and rankings that appear in the report are part of Hanover’s research methodology and illustrate how they analyzed the data sources used in the report. It is the University’s responsibility to provide additional context and data, as needed, to the report. The accompanying documents help to outline Hanover’s own methodology, as agreed upon by the many individuals working on the APPR project, as well as a few limitations that exist within the data.

Report and supplemental materials

For those who would like to review and learn more about the report, the APPR tri-chairs recommend you read the report, and accompanying documents, in the following order:

  1. Preamble from the APPR Tri-Chairs
  2. APPR Workstream 2 Report: “Pennsylvania Workforce Development Assessment”
  3. APPR Report 2 Data Supplement – Workforce Development – Penn State: An Excel document that includes all of the raw data and complete portfolio data; the report itself only comprises examples based on the data findings.
  4. Data and Information Team Compendium: Highlights the methodological and data concerns that emerged as part of the report process.

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